2 A12 铝合金托盘开裂失效分析
Failure Analysis on Surface Cracks of 2 A12 Disks
Received:May 23, 2013  Revised:June 01, 2013
中文关键词: 铝合金  托盘  冲压  热处理  失效分析
英文关键词: aluminum alloy  disk  stamping  heat treatment  failure analysis
Author NameAffiliation
YAO Chun-chen Jiangnan Industrial Company Limited, Xiangtan 411207, China 
ZUO Qi-sheng Jiangnan Industrial Company Limited, Xiangtan 411207, China 
YI Fei-xiong Jiangnan Industrial Company Limited, Xiangtan 411207, China 
LUO Gao-ming Jiangnan Industrial Company Limited, Xiangtan 411207, China 
LIU Zhen-yun Jiangnan Industrial Company Limited, Xiangtan 411207, China 
DUAN Liang-hui Jiangnan Industrial Company Limited, Xiangtan 411207, China 
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      基于 2 A12 铝合金托盘表面处理后其底部加强筋上出现裂纹的情况,对其进行了理化分析、生产情况调查和验证试验后,认为其裂纹为托盘淬火后校形、压筋不及时,在材料有所硬化的情况下冲压而产生拉应力或导致冲压裂纹,表面处理使不太明显的裂纹变得明显。 托盘应在淬火后 1 . 5 h 内及时校形、压筋,防止材料时效硬化使冲压裂纹扩大。
      Some surface cracks on 2A12 disk ribs were found after surface treatment. Physical and chemical analysis and production investigation and verification were conducted, the results showed that the cracks were stamping cracks caused by sizing and pressing ribs after material hardening, and the surface treatment made it more serious. It was concluded that sizing and ribs pressing shoud be conducted after quenching in 1. 5 hours to prevent stamping cracks due to the material hardening.
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