球铁后桥壳的铸造工艺设计及数值模拟 |
Casting Process Design and Method Optimization of Ductile Iron Rear Axle Housing |
Received:June 01, 2012 Revised:June 01, 2013 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2013.04.006 |
中文关键词: 后桥壳 铸造工艺 数值模拟 缩孔 |
英文关键词: rear axle housing casting process numerical simulation shrinkage cavity |
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中文摘要: |
首先对后桥壳进行初步的铸造工艺方案设计,然后运用铸造数值模拟软件华铸 CAE 对其充型和凝固过程进行模拟,预测可能产生的铸造缺陷及部位, 分析缺陷产生的主要原因, 从而改进工艺。 经多次CAE 模拟优化获得最优工艺,可减少铸造缺陷,保证铸件质量。 |
英文摘要: |
The casting process of ductile iron rear axle housing was designed. The mould filling process and solidification process were simulated by numerical simulation software InteCAST to predict the possible casting defects, and the positions of defects, then analyse the causes of the defects, so that the process can be improved. Through repeatedly simulating the process of the casting, the casting defects were significantly reduced, the optimum process was gained, the quality of the casting was ensured. |
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