Analysis of the Causes of Light-coloured Stripe after Surface Treatment to Wrought Aluminum Alloy
Received:September 10, 2012  Revised:April 01, 2013
中文关键词: 浅色条纹  选择性氧化  选择性溶解  氧化膜  组织和相  比表面自由能  吸附能力
英文关键词: light-coloured stripe  selective oxidation  selective solution  oxidation film  organization and phase  adsorption capacity
Author NameAffiliation
QIN Hui-chang CNGC Shandong Machinery Group Co. , Ltd. , Zibo 255201, China 
JIA Bo CNGC Shandong Machinery Group Co. , Ltd. , Zibo 255201, China 
AN Ke School of Information Management, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250200, China 
LIU Zhen-hai CNGC Shandong Machinery Group Co. , Ltd. , Zibo 255201, China 
WANG Peng-yu CNGC Shandong Machinery Group Co. , Ltd. , Zibo 255201, China 
DING Qun CNGC Shandong Machinery Group Co. , Ltd. , Zibo 255201, China 
LIU Cong-lei CNGC Shandong Machinery Group Co. , Ltd. , Zibo 255201, China 
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      某批工件每经阳极氧化、封闭染色后出现浅色条纹,工件材料为 7 A04 铝合金,通过对工件所用原材料进行化学成分分析、金相检测、力学性能检测、电镜扫描分析、能谱分析,结果表明,工件的色泽差异主要与铝合金组织和相的不均匀有关。 铝合金工件相的不均匀导致了组织的不均匀,使得铝合金工件阳极氧化时出现了选择性氧化和选择性溶解,导致铝合金工件各部位形成氧化膜的比表面自由能和吸附能力不同,造成了染色后铝合金工件表面的色泽差异。
      Light-coloured stripe is found on the surface of some workpieces after anodic oxidation and closed colouration. The material is 7A04 aluminum alloy. Experiments are made to these workpieces, such as chemical analysis, metallographic detection, mechanical property test, SEM and energy spectrum analysis, the result shows that the shade deviation between workpieces mainly relates to aluminum alloy organization and nonuniform phase which lead to nonuniform organization, and then result in selective oxidation and selective solution in making anodic oxidation to aluminum alloy workpieces, giving rise to shade deviation on the surface of aluminum alloy workpieces after colouring.
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