CLAM 钢搅拌摩擦焊温度场有限元分析
Temperature Field Finite Element Analysis on Friction Stir Welding of CLAM Steel
Received:September 10, 2012  Revised:April 01, 2013
中文关键词: CLAM 钢  搅拌摩擦焊  数值模拟  温度场
英文关键词: CLAM steel  friction stir welding  numerical simulation  temperature field
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Pu School of Materials Science & Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
YANG Shan-wen School of Materials Science & Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
WANG Jiong School of Materials Science & Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
XUE Ke-min School of Materials Science & Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      通过 Ansys Apdl 参数化语言建立三维温度场模型,采用移动热源分步加载的方法,对 CLAM 钢在搅拌摩擦焊接过程中的温度场进行模拟分析。 结果表明,CLAM 钢可以进行固态连接;搅拌摩擦过程中热能主要来自轴肩摩擦生热;焊接头四周的高温区域一直呈现出椭圆形,温度呈阶梯状分布。 在板厚方向上,从上表面到下表面温度依次降低,呈等腰梯形分布。
      Three-dimensional temperature field model is built by ANSYS APDL parameterized language. The temperature field of CLAM steel by the friction stir welding process is analysed using the moving heat load step by step method. The results show that the CLAM steel can be solid connected. The heat of the friction stir process is mainly from the shoulder friction. High-temperature region around the welded joint is oval-shaped. The distribution of temperature is ladder-shaped. The temperature decreases from the top to the bottom and the isosceles trapezoid is showed in the direction of thickness.
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