汽车用烘烤硬化板 BH340 及深冲板 St 15 成形性能分析
Analysis on Forming Properties of Bake-hardening Sheet Steel BH340 and Deep-drawing Sheet Steel St 15 for Automobile
Received:March 20, 2013  Revised:April 01, 2013
中文关键词: 汽车用板  烘烤硬化  成形极限
英文关键词: automobile sheet steel  bake hardening  forming limit
Author NameAffiliation
SHE Cai-feng School of Materials and Science Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China 
E Da-xin School of Materials and Science Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China 
LIN Fang SAIC Motor Technical Center, Shanghai 201804, China 
Hits: 4614
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      进行了汽车用烘烤硬化钢板 BH340 及深冲钢板 St15 的力学性能、时效特性和烘烤硬化性能实验,并利用有限元方法模拟了 2 种钢板的成形极限和破裂点应变路径。 分析后指出, BH340 烘烤硬化效应较显著,时效效应不明显,对于汽车外覆盖件成形、涂漆烘烤工艺具有较好的适应性; St15 经形变强化后仍具有良好的塑性,适用于多道次成形工艺。 另外,2 种钢板均具有较为明显的面内异向性。
      Experiments are carried out to research the mechanical properties, aging characteristics and bake hardenability of bakehardening steel sheet BH340 and deep-drawing steel sheet St15 for automobile, and the forming limit and strain path in the fracture position of both sheets are simulated by finite element method. It was revealed that a remarkable bake-hardenability and invisible aging effect can be expected for BTH340 steel sheet,which makes it adaptable for automobile panel forming and paint baking process; while a good plasticity can be expected for St15 steel sheet after work-hardening,which makes it appropriate for multi-step forming process.Besides, both steel sheets display obvious anisotropy in plane.
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