机械振动和半固态等温热处理对消失模 AZ91 D 组织的影响
Influence of Mechanical Vibration and Semisolid Isothermal Heat Treatment on Microstructure of Lost Foam AZ91 D Magnesium Alloy
Received:September 10, 2012  Revised:April 01, 2013
中文关键词: AZ91 D 镁合金  消失模铸造  振动凝固  半固态热处理  组织演变
英文关键词: AZ91D magnesium alloy  lost foam casting  vibration solidification  semisolid heat treatment  microstructure evolution
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Jing Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039, China 
WANG Yuan-qing Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039, China 
PENG Xiao-ming Military Representative Office in Jiangjin, Chongqing 402264, China 
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      研究了不同浇注温度下消失模铸造 AZ91 D 镁合金试样,在振动凝固和“ 振动凝固+ 半固态热处理冶 条件下组织的变化情况。 结果表明,对不同浇注温度下消失模铸造 AZ91 D 镁合金试样实施振动凝固都能细化试样的显微组织,且在浇注温度为 740 ℃ ,振动力为 1 . 5 kN 时细化效果最好;对经振动和不振动凝固的试样进行半固态等温热处理,两者的组织都能得到球化,且随着等温时间的延长,两者的组织都会合并长大,其中半固态等温热处理的较佳工艺为 570 ℃ 下保温 10 min。
      The microstructure evolution of the casting sample of magnesium alloy AZ91D via lost foam casting ( LFC) with vibration solidification and " vibration solidification plus semisolid heat treatment " in different pouring temperatures was investigated. The results show that the microstructure all can be refined by vibrating the casting sample of magnesium alloy AZ91D via lost foam casting ( LFC) in different pouring temperatures in solidification and the refining effect is best in the pouring temperature of 740 ℃ and the vibration force of 1. 5 kN. The semisolid isothermal heat treatment is conducted to the two kinds of samples with and without vibration solidification. Their microstructures all become spherical. With elongation of isothermal time the microstructures of these two kinds of samples will merge and grow up. The better isothermal heat treatment process is " holding 10 minutes in 570 ℃ " .
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