Brief Talk on Precision Plastic Parts Design
Received:May 29, 2012  Revised:December 01, 2012
中文关键词: 注塑零件  设计  模具结构
英文关键词: plastic parts  design  mold structure
Author NameAffiliation
JIANG Yu-bo Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of Vocational Technology, Suzhou 215021, China 
WU Hua Dresser, Inc. , Flow Technologies, Suzhou 215021, China 
Hits: 13203
Download times: 7344
      The importance of plastic parts design before designing mold is introduced briefly. Several requirements of plastic design are represented in detail, wall thickness requirements, draft angle requirements, product surface quality requirements, parting plane requirements, feasibility of mold structure, gating system requirements and other specific contents. The experience of design process, including appearance of plastic parts, structure, mold manufacturing, injection process and other specific contents is summarized. It will give certain guidance to mold designers.
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