Discussion on Development of Axial Extrusion of Domestic Spline Shaft
Received:May 24, 2012  Revised:December 01, 2012
中文关键词: 花键  轴向挤压  发展
英文关键词: spline  axial direction extrusion  development
Author NameAffiliation
NIE Lan-qi Shandong Hongqi Electromechanical Co. , Ltd. , Weifang 261031, China 
WANG Guo-lin Machinery & Electric Institute,Shandong Traffic Vocational College, Weifang 261100, China 
QIAN Jin-hao Suzhou Yintao Precision Forging Co. ,Ltd. ,Suzhou 215132, China 
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      主要介绍了花键挤压的优点和国内花键挤压成形技术现状,展示了国内已经在研发生产的矩形花键和各种渐开线齿形花键,如摩托车起动机构主轴和副轴,农用车、轿车、微型车半轴和汽车变速器传动轴等,花键的材料有 20 Cr,20 CrMo,45 钢,40 Cr,42 CrMo,Gr15 钢和不锈钢。 最后叙述了应该大力研究花键轴在轴向挤压时,挤压坯料的硬度、挤压温度、挤压模入模口半锥角、模口圆角、凹模模口轮廓形状等参数与挤压成形的关系。
      It mainly introduces some advantages of the spline extrusion and the situation of domestic spline extrusion technique. It shows some domestic rectangle spline and some involute gear form spline, such as the mainshaft and subshaft of motorcycle 's sharter mechanism, haft shaft of agricultural automobile and minicar and the transmission shaft of the automobile's gearbox. The materials of the spline shaft are 20Cr,20CrMo,45,40Cr,42CrMo,Gr15 steel and stainless steel. In the end, it introduces that the relationship between the parameters of extrusion billet's hardness, extrusion temperature, half cone angle, entering round angle, the model 's shape and the extrusion should be studied.
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