基于 Deform-3 D 的汽车摆臂辊锻制坯模拟优化研究
Numerical Simulation Research of Automobile Swing Arm Roll Forging Preforming based on Deform-3 D
Received:October 11, 2012  Revised:December 01, 2012
中文关键词: 摆臂  辊锻制坯  数值模拟  Deform-3 D
英文关键词: swing arm  roll forging preforming  numerical simulation  Deform-3D
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Xiang Modern Educational Technology Center,Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
LI Ping School of Materials Science and Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
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      分析了某汽车摆臂的结构,提出用铝合金棒料进行三道次辊锻制坯的工艺,采用 Deform-3 D 软件对其辊锻制坯过程进行有限元模拟研究,用正交试验的方法对坯料温度、辊锻模预热温度和辊锻模转速的参数组合进行了优化,为此种类型摆臂的开发、设备的选择提供了理论依据。
      The structure of an automobile swing arm is analyzed and roll forging blank-making process with three passes by using aluminum alloys rod is put forward. With Deform-3D software, finite element simulation of the roll-forging process is conducted. Equivalent stress and strain field, temperature field and load of rolling die are analyzed. The main process parameters such as the temperature of blank, the temperature of die and the rotational velocity of die are optimized by applying the orthogonal experiment method, and certain theory reference is provided for process development and equipment selection of this kind of swinging arm.
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