The Optimal Design of the Cantilever based on Pro/E Software
Received:September 10, 2012  Revised:November 10, 2012
中文关键词: Pro/E  悬臂梁  敏感性分析  优化分析
英文关键词: Pro/E software  cantilever  sensitivity analysis  optimization analysis
Author NameAffiliation
XIE Yu-min Department of Mechanical and Materials, Jiujiang Institute, Jiujiang 332005, China 
LI Yong-zhi Department of Mechanical and Materials, Jiujiang Institute, Jiujiang 332005, China 
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      As an example of the cantilever, the Mechanica module of Pro/E is used to analyze the sensitivity and optimization. By changing the length and width dimensions of the cantilever section, the changes of the mass and the displacement of the force-direction of the cantilever with the changing of sizes are obtained. In the case of meeting safety,the size of length and width dimension of the cantilever section are optimized, the optimum values of the length and width are found, and the design quality of the product is improved.
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