Stamping Optimization by Combining Parameterization Technology and Numerical Simulation
Received:September 10, 2012  Revised:November 10, 2012
中文关键词: 参数化技术  数值模拟  板料冲压  优化
英文关键词: parametric technology  numerical simulation  sheet-metal stamping  optimization
Author NameAffiliation
JI Liang-bo School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332005, China 
LI Yong-zhi School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332005, China 
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      Based on analyzing merits and demerits of general numerical simulation method, a new method combining the parametric technology and numerical simulation method is presented and the specific combining ways are discussed. By analyzing the process of box part drawing with parametric finite element analysis, it verifies the practicality of this approach. This method can be applied on other optimization of materials processing technology.
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