Optimization of the Forging Process for a Kind of Flange
Received:September 10, 2012  Revised:November 10, 2012
中文关键词: 约束剪切  闭式模锻  锻造自动线  成形模拟  余热淬火
英文关键词: constraint shear  closed die forging  automatic forging line  forming simulation  forging residual heat quench
Author NameAffiliation
DING Jin-gen Anhui Anhuang Machinery Co., Ltd., Anqing 246005, China 
XU Bao-guo Anhui Anhuang Machinery Co., Ltd., Anqing 246005, China 
XU Hao Anhui Anhuang Machinery Co., Ltd., Anqing 246005, China 
Hits: 4378
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      The forging process optimization scheme of a kind of flange is introduced. By constraining shearing, electric screw press with program controlled energy, two forging robots, design of closed die precision forging forming, Deform software simulation, quenching and tempering with forging residual heat, process flow is simplified, the quality is stable, the cost is reduced, better economic benefits are obtained.
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