Application of Precision Extrusion Technology in the Processing of a Steel Core
Received:June 10, 2012  Revised:September 10, 2012
中文关键词: 钢芯  塑性变形  挤压  变形程度
英文关键词: steel core  plastic de formation  extrusion  deformation degree
Author NameAffiliation
XIAO Yu-jing Liaoshen Industry Group Co.,Ltd., Shenyang 110045, China 
SUN Da-ming Liaoshen Industry Group Co.,Ltd., Shenyang 110045, China 
LI Kai Liaoshen Industry Group Co.,Ltd., Shenyang 110045, China 
LIU Yong Liaoshen Industry Group Co.,Ltd., Shenyang 110045, China 
Hits: 3973
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      A processing technology suitable for mass production, with stable and reliable quality is developed to meet the needs of mass production of the product by theory of plastic deformation , extrusion technology principle and the theory of heat treatment. Through plastic deformation degree calculation, die design and improvement, selection of heat treatment process and parameters, the problems of product quality and mass production are solved. Finally, the technology is applied to production ,the annual output is 10 million.
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