Study on Forming Technique for Aluminum Alloy Hollow Cone Blank
Received:August 06, 2012  Revised:September 10, 2012
中文关键词: 铝合金  空心锥体  毛坯  冲制
英文关键词: aluminum alloy  hollow cone  blank  punch
Author NameAffiliation
CUI Chang-qi North Huaan Industry Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihaer, 161006, China 
XU Hong-shan North Huaan Industry Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihaer, 161006, China 
GONG Rui North Huaan Industry Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihaer, 161006, China 
YAN Shao-guo North Huaan Industry Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihaer, 161006, China 
WU Mei North Huaan Industry Group Co., Ltd., Qiqihaer, 161006, China 
Hits: 3892
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      The problems and causes that it is hard to form and the rate of finished products is low in the punching process for the aluminum alloy hollow cone of a new product are analyzed. Based on the characteristics of the new aluminum alloy hollow cone a new processes (necking of aluminum tube and die forging) is put forward. The principles of the former and new techniques are discussed, and the advantages, disadvantages and suitability are compared for these two techniques. It is shown that the new technique is superior in making the hollow cone with big slenderness ratio, in particular, it doesn't need additional equipment, forming can be accomplished after single heating. The new technique can improve the rate of finished products and can further increase the material utilization on assurance of product efficiency.
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