Structure Analysis of Axial Rolling Assembly of Radial-axial Ring Rolling Mill
Received:August 24, 2012  Revised:September 10, 2012
中文关键词: 径-轴向辗环机  轴向轧制  装配体  有限元  结构分析
英文关键词: radial-axial ring rolling mill  axial rolling  assembly  FEM  structure analysis
Author NameAffiliation
ZHUANG Zhong-kai School of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Jinan Jinan 250022 China 
WANG Qiang School of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Jinan Jinan 250022 China 
TAN Yu-long School of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Jinan Jinan 250022 China 
ZHAO Dong School of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Jinan Jinan 250022 China 
SHAN Bao-de Jinan Foundry and Metalforming Machinery Research Institute Co., Ltd. Jinan 250022 China 
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      Using SolidWorks,axial rolling assembly model of ring rolling mill was built. Using ANSYS,finite element analysis model was established through processing contact and constraints and loads,then three dimensional elastic contact was analyzed to the axial rolling assembly and the equivalent stress, strain and deformation displacement of axial rolling assembly and its parts were got. Deformation angle was defined and the method how to solve the deformation angle was put forward. The result shows that deformation angle is only 0.041° and the maximum stress of various components is less than the yield limit,so the rigidity of the ring rolling mill meets the design requirement and its parts meet strength requirement.
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