Numerical Simulation of Combined Cold Extrusion and Blank Optimization for a Towing Hook Sleeve
Received:August 20, 2012  Revised:September 10, 2012
中文关键词: 冷挤压  有限元数值模拟  塑性变形  毛坯优化
英文关键词: cold extrusion  finite element numerical simulation  plastic deformation  blank optimization
Author NameAffiliation
CAI Dong-mei School of Mechanical Engineering University of JinanJinan 250022 China 
WANG Qiang Chongqing No.59 Precision Metalforming Co. Ltd., Chongqing 400039, China 
ZHANG Huan-lian School of Mechanical Engineering University of JinanJinan 250022 China 
KONG De-jun Shandong Tianli Drying Technology and Equipment Co., Ltd., Jinan 250022 China 
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      Taking the extrusion die as a rigid body, cold extrusion of a towing hook sleeve was numerically simulated using the finite element software MARC. The law of plastic flow of metallic materials in the extrusion was found out based on the distribution of the equivalent stress and equivalent strain. And the size of the blank was optimized taking the maximum extrusion force as objective. The maximum principal stress and its distribution law of the part after extrusion was obtained in order to study the mould strength in the cold extrusion.
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