Pid Digital Control in the Application of Box-type Furnace
Received:February 21, 2012  Revised:July 10, 2012
中文关键词: 温度智能控制器  电源  箱式电阻炉  双向可控硅
英文关键词: intelligent temperature controller  power supply  box type resistance furnace  bidirectional controllable silicon
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Dian-hui Plant No.123 of CNGC., Qiqihar 161046, China 
YANG Da-wei Plant No.123 of CNGC., Qiqihar 161046, China 
XIAO Hong Plant No.123 of CNGC., Qiqihar 161046, China 
SUN Tao Plant No.123 of CNGC., Qiqihar 161046, China 
ZHOU Yu-hang Plant No.123 of CNGC., Qiqihar 161046, China 
TANG Ju-shuang Plant No.123 of CNGC., Qiqihar 161046, China 
FU Bing-wei Plant No.123 of CNGC., Qiqihar 161046, China 
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      This paper introduces the technical reform of the box type resistance furnace electrical control system by Pid digital control instrument and a bidirectional controlled silicon switching. The system is composed of Pid digital temperature control system for box furnace, main power supply, over-temperature alarm system and work temperature time print system. ALTEC PC900 type intelligent temperature controller is used in Pid digital control instrument. The system function and working principle are introduced.
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