Closed Die Forging of 7A04 Aluminum Alloy Bowl-shaped Pieces
Received:April 04, 2012  Revised:July 10, 2012
中文关键词: 碗形件  闭式模锻  模具结构
英文关键词: bowl-shaped part  closed die-forging  die structure
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Jin-chang Plant No.672 of CNGC., Qiqihar 161006, China 
WANG Qiu-mei Plant No.672 of CNGC., Qiqihar 161006, China 
Hits: 4004
Download times: 3055
      By analysis of the bowl-shaped pieces of product structure, closed die-forging is proposed . the blank charts,the process and process parameters was introduced. The die structure is designed. The vents in the interior angle of the upper die and the withdrawal ring are added to ensure that the blank filled with the cavity. Results of the test showed that closed die-forging can be used for the making the bowl-shaped parts. Now large-lot production has been realized.
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