Study on Interior Hollow Defects in Cross Wedge Rolling Process of Output Shaft
Received:January 10, 2012  Revised:July 10, 2012
中文关键词: 楔横轧  内部空心缺陷  输出轴  数值模拟
英文关键词: cross-wedge rolling  interior hollow defects  output shaft  numerical simulation
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Yong-qiang Beijing 100083, China 
REN Wei-wei Beijing 100083, China 
XU Chun-guo Beijing 100083, China 
ZHOU He Beijing 100083, China 
DING Jun Beijing 100083, China 
Hits: 4059
Download times: 3249
      Aiming at interior hollow defects in the output shaft forging process, using the finite element method combining with the actual rolling, the cause of workpiece interior hollow defects that the axial metal movement resistance is too large in the process of rolling was obtained by the analysis of internal stress and strain fields. Through overall decreasing base circle height of the second forming die, the resistance of the metal axial flow was reduced to avoid the generation of rolling hollow defects.
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