Buffering Device for Hydraulic Transmission Starting up in 1st Forward Range
Received:November 11, 2011  Revised:May 10, 2012
中文关键词: 铁路轨道车  液力变速器  一档起步  空挡走车  缓冲装置
英文关键词: railcar  hydraulic transmission  start-up in 1st forward range  moving in neutral  buffering device
Author NameAffiliation
LI Xiao-dong Guizhou Winstar Hydraulic Transmission Machinery Co., Ltd. Zunyi 563003 China 
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      Without changing original function of hydraulic transmission used for railcar and basic structure of traditional hydraulic converter, the device can control the course of filling and draining oil of hydraulic converter for controlling output torque of the hydraulic converter through adding centrifugal one-way valve and supply-oil control valve, which can enhance output torque of hydraulic transmission stably and softly during transmission starting up in 1st forward range and working in neutral, ensuring railcar starting up steadily, preventing it from striking in 1st forward range and moving in neutral. It can improve comfort and security of railcar extremely. The character of the device lies in its simple structure, stable performance and convenient operation, and it can be also used in other specialized vehicles.
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