Die Forging Technology and Mold Design of High Hub Gear Blank
Received:December 28, 2011  Revised:May 10, 2012
中文关键词: 薄壁深孔类锻件  镦粗  预锻  终锻
英文关键词: thin-wall and deep-bore forging piece  upsetting  pre-forging  finish forging
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Ji-zhang Shanxi Limin Industry Co., Ltd., Taigu 030812, China 
SUN Jian-jun Nanjing Milltary Agency Jinan Branch, Jinan 250021, China 
WANG Wei Shanxi Limin Industry Co., Ltd., Taigu 030812, China 
LING Shu-ping Shanxi Limin Industry Co., Ltd., Taigu 030812, China 
Hits: 4380
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      通过对高轮轮毂齿轮的结构进行分析,制定出该锻件锻造成形的工艺流程,阐述了模锻工步、型腔的设计及模锻操作方法,实现了在3 150 t热模锻压力机上锻造生产。
      According to the analysis about high hub gear structure, die forging process flow for this forging piece is introduced, as well as the die forging work step, cavity design and die forging operation method. And eventually the forging production could be realized in the 3 150 T hot die forging press.
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