Application and Development of Liquid Die Forging for the Aluminium Alloy
Received:December 12, 2010  Revised:May 10, 2012
中文关键词: 液态模锻  铝合金  工艺方法  优点  应用实例  发展
英文关键词: liquid die forging  aluminium alloy  technological method  advantage  application examples  development
Author NameAffiliation
HONG Shen-zhang Department of Plastic TechnologyShanghai Jiaotong UniversityShanghai 200030 China 
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      The technological essence,method and its characteristics of the liquid die forging forming for the aluminium alloy were narrated. The advantages of the liquid die forging for the aluminium alloy were represented. The application examples of the car parts for the liquid die forging were introduced. In the end the form of the liquid die forging forming process of the organic combination between the casting technique and the die forging technique indicated an effective new technique.
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