双相钢冲压成形应变路径影响规律研究 |
Study on Parameters' Effect on Strain Paths of Stamping Forming Process of Dual-phase Sheet Steel |
Received:May 10, 2011 Revised:May 10, 2012 |
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中文关键词: DP高强钢板 冲压成形 应变路径 正交试验 |
英文关键词: dual-phase sheet steel stamping strain path orthogonal experiment |
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中文摘要: |
设计特征盒形件,使其包含双拉、拉-压、平面应变以及双线性应变路径,反映了覆盖件成形中常见的应变路径状态。通过正交试验方法,分析了工艺参数(压边力、摩擦系数、板厚)对其成形过程中特征区域应变路径影响的显著性,并得出了显著因素对应变路径的影响趋势。初步取得了控制DP600高强钢成形过程中特征区域应变路径的方法,为控制DP高强钢成形质量提供了有力的指导。 |
英文摘要: |
A special box-shaped part is designed. It will contain the corresponding strain paths such as double tension strain path, tension-compression strain path, plane strain path and double-linear strain path, thus reflecting the common strain path conditions during the sheet metal forming. With the help of orthogonal experiment, the significance of influence of forming parameters (blank holder force, friction coefficient, blank thickness) on strain path of specific areas in forming process is analyzed, and the influencing tendency of significant factors on strain path is achieved. The methods to control the strain paths in specific areas during the high-strength steel's(DP600) forming process are obtained preliminarily, which also serves as a powerful guidence to improve the forming performance of the high-strength steel. |
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