连轴体成形工艺模拟分析 |
Numerical Simulation of Forging Process for Coupling Body |
Received:May 19, 2011 Revised:May 10, 2012 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 挤压 连轴体 有限元模拟 成形载荷 |
英文关键词: extrusion coupling body finite element simulation forming load |
基金项目:合肥工业大学大学生创新实验计划项目(cxsy2010262) |
Author Name | Affiliation | FANG Cun-jun | School of Materials Science and Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China | SHI Wen-chao | School of Materials Science and Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China | WANG Gang | School of Materials Science and Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China | LI Ping | School of Materials Science and Engineering,Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China |
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中文摘要: |
根据连轴体件凸缘较宽、凸台较高且直径较小、壁厚不均匀等结构特点及成形难点,制定了拉深和挤压2种工艺方案。采用有限元数值模拟,对2种成形工艺的模拟结果分析表明:采用拉深工艺时,成形力小,成形质量差;采用挤压工艺时,成形力大,成形质量好。通过对挤压工艺坯料形状的改进,降低了成形载荷并提高成形质量。 |
英文摘要: |
Drawing and extrusion process programs according to the structural characteristics of the coupling body are developed. And the process plan is verified by finite element simulation. The results indicate that drawing technology has a small forming force but a poor forming quality. On the other hand, extrusion technology can lead to a good forming quality but a high forming force. So extrusion technology is chosen as the better process program. The study shows that a suitable blank shape can help to reduce forming force and improve forming quality. |
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