基于物理实验的平面压边精冲工艺研究 |
Technical Study on the Plane Blank Pressing Fine-blanking Based on the Physical Experiments |
Received:December 26, 2011 Revised:May 10, 2012 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 精冲 模具 平面压边 流线分析 |
英文关键词: fine-blanking die plane blank pressing analysis of flow lines |
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中文摘要: |
论述了平面压边精冲的机理和工艺方法,设计制造了实验模具,并对不同塑性和厚度的坯料进行了物理实验;分析了精冲过程中的冲裁力,研究了平面压边精冲工艺中材料塑性、模具的相对间隙、压边力和反顶力与剪切面光亮部位在剪切面中所占比值大小的相互关系。实验表明,平面压边精冲技术是一种有效提高工件冲裁剪切面质量而成本较低的工艺。通过对制件的流线分析和变形区硬度的检测,得出平面压边精冲工艺对工件的外周有很明显的加工硬化作用,而心部强度不变的结论。 |
英文摘要: |
The mechanism and process method of the plane blank pressing fine-blanking is discussed, the mold for process experiment is designed and manufactured, and physical experiments for the billets with different thicknesses and plasticities are conducted; blanking force in the process is analyzed, the relationship between the ratio of light-zone on shear front and plasticity of material, the relative gap of the mold, the blank holder force and counter force is analyzed. Experiments show that the plane blank pressing fine-blanking is an effective technology which can improve shear front quality effectively with lower cost. By the analysis of flow lines and testing of hardness in deformation zone of the parts, it shows that the technology has clear hardening effect to peripheral parts of the part and the intensity in the heart doesn't change. |
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