Secondary Development of Pro/E to the Roll Pass of Reducing and Sizing for Large Bars
Received:October 31, 2011  Revised:May 10, 2012
中文关键词: 大棒材  减定径  Pro/E二次开发  ANSYS有限元
英文关键词: large bars  reducing and sizing  secondary development of Pro/E  ANSYS finite element
Author NameAffiliation
JIA Shang-wu School of Material Science & Engineering ,Taiyuan University of Science & Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
QIN Jian-ping School of Material Science & Engineering ,Taiyuan University of Science & Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
PAN Lu School of Material Science & Engineering ,Taiyuan University of Science & Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
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      It is attempted to design the roll pass of reducing and sizing of large bars by using the tangent of the roll pass, and design the parametric system by using the secondary development of Pro/E. The metal flow pattern, equivalent stress and strain field analysis in the three-roll reducing and sizing groove were studied by the ANSYS finite element. A new method and means is provided for reducing and sizing of large bars.
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