Hot Work Mould Surface Crack Local Laser Bionic Blocking Experimental Study
Received:January 12, 2012  Revised:May 10, 2012
中文关键词: 模具表面裂纹  激光熔凝  局部仿生阻断  植物叶片
英文关键词: mould surface crack  laser melting  local bionic blocking
基金项目:哈尔滨优秀学科带头人基金“基于可听声辅助双视觉热丝小功率激光模具修复机理研究暠 (RC2012XK006002)
Author NameAffiliation
DI Tie-nan School of Material Science & Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin,150080, China 
LIU Li-jun 1.School of Material Science & Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin,150080, China
2. Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, Ningbo,315100, China 
JIA Zhi-xin Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, Ningbo,315100, China 
LI Ji-qiang Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, Ningbo,315100, China 
ZHOU Hong School of Material Science & Engineering,Jilin University, Changchun,130025, China 
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      针对企业热作模具寿命短的现象,分析了热作模具表面热疲劳裂纹是影响其寿命的主要因素之一。 在研究植物叶片抗开裂生物原型结构基础上,创造性应用了模具表面裂纹局部激光仿生阻断技术,有别于传统的模具表面整体激光强化,利用激光在模具表面局部熔凝模拟植物叶脉,阻断模具表面裂纹的发展,仿生强化后模具寿命提高1~1.5倍。
      For the short sevice life of enterprise hot work die,it is analyzed that surface thermal fatigue crack is one of the main factors affecting the life of hot work mould. Based on studying the plant leaves biological prototypes of cracking resistant, the technology of local laser bionic blocking the mould surface crack is creatively applied. Different from the traditional mould surface integral laser transformation hardening (LTH) technology, by using laser melting coagulation simulating plant veins blocking localized crack in the partial surface of mold, bionic strengthened die life is improved within 1~1.5 times.
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