The Acoustics Loudspeaker's Spray Mold
Received:September 29, 2011  Revised:March 10, 2012
中文关键词: 金属喷涂制模  喷涂材料  载荷  高温高热
英文关键词: mold manufacture by metallic spray  spray material  load  high heat intensity
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Yong Yichun Vocational College, Yichun 336000, China 
Hits: 3944
Download times: 3391
      The technical process of manufacturing injection mold using arc spraying craft was introduced. The features and process and structure designing of spray mold was descripted. Against the features of multi product type and product type fast refreshing about acoustics, it approved that the acoustics loudspeaker's spray mold has the feature of simple technology and short manufacturing period and low cost. It suits for new products development and small-lot or multi-type products. It meets the necessity of the more and more drastic market competition.
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