Assembly and Setting of the Stamping End Picking-up Device
Received:September 13, 2011  Revised:March 10, 2012
中文关键词: 机器人  端拾器  组装周期  虚拟装配  吸盘  轨迹示教
英文关键词: robot  end picking-up device  virtual assembly cycle  sucking disc  track demonstration
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Jian-hui Great Wall Motor Company Tianjin BranchTianjin 300462China 
XU Zhi-gang Great Wall Motor Company Tianjin BranchTianjin 300462China 
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      The method of off-line assembly and technology realization of the end picking-up device are mainly introduced. The purpose of off-line setting is to reduce the setting time and shorten production preparation cycle. The design is made through the simulation of the requirement of the robot to the end picking-up device in the process of the actual running. It mainly includes: the design of the framework and posture of end picking-up device, the design of the sucking disc quantity and layout and trajectory, etc.
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