Effects of Different Activators in the Flux on the Corrosivity of Lead-free Electronic Micro Joining Circuit
Received:December 09, 2011  Revised:March 10, 2012
中文关键词: 钎剂  焊接  腐蚀  电路板  无铅钎料
英文关键词: flux  welding  corrosion  PCBs  lead-free solder
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Bin School of Material Science and EngineeringChongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China 
HUANG Wen-chao School of Material Science and EngineeringChongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China 
WANG Tao School of Material Science and EngineeringChongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China 
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      Through the preparation of rosin-based flux with different activators, and simulation of micro joint connection with Sn-0.7Cu lead-free solder, by use of accelerated corrosion test, the effects of different types and different levels of the activators on the corrosion in PCBs are studied. The results show that the corrosivity descending order of flux residues with different active agents is as follows: dimethylamine hydrochloride>diethylamine hydrochloride>glutaric acid>citric acid>triethanolamine>oxalate> DL-malic acid > hard fatty acid >lauric acid>succinic acid, the expansion rate of rosin flux with added diethylamine hydrochloride is largest and that of citric acid is smallest, the corrosivity of diethylamine hydrochloride is stronger than citric acid.
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