The Research and Application of Metal Injection Molding in Weapon Fields
Received:September 21, 2011  Revised:March 10, 2012
中文关键词: 金属粉末注射成形  成形工艺  应用
英文关键词: metal power injection molding  molding process  application
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Hong-zhang CNGC Institute No.53,Jinan 250031,China 
ZENG Fan-tong CNGC Institute No.53,Jinan 250031,China 
TANG Kai CNGC Institute No.53,Jinan 250031,China 
Hits: 4232
Download times: 4170
      The application of Metal Powder Injection Molding (MIM) process, the status quo and development of the preparation process, especially the development and application of the process in relevant fields such as gun components is described. Through the analysis of process, the introduction to the application of like products of peers of other countries and the application of our products. The aim is to deepen the readers’ understanding of MIM technology, so they can expand the application of MIM in relevant products. The feasibility of the use of wax-based material with domestic metal materials through the introduction to examples of application is also described. The application shows that the whole process can be achieved with domestic process and equipment.
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