Inconel 625合金高速热变形动态再结晶的临界条件
Critical Conditions of Dynamic Recrystallization during High Speed Hot Deformation of Inconel 625 Alloy
Received:December 05, 2011  Revised:March 10, 2012
中文关键词: Inconel 625合金  加工硬化率  动态再结晶  临界应变
英文关键词: Inconel 625 alloy  work hardening rate  dynamic recrystallization  critical strain
Author NameAffiliation
TAO Lin Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China 
CHENG Ming Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China 
SONG Guang-sheng Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China 
ZHANG Shi-hong Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China 
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      通过等温热压缩试验获得Inconel 625合金在变形温度为1000~1200 ℃,应变速率为1~80 s-1条件下的真应力应变曲线,利用加工硬化率,结合 ln θ-ε曲线上的拐点判据及-(ln θ)/ε-ε曲线上的最小值,来研究Inconel 625合金动态再结晶的临界条件。结果表明,在本实验条件下,Inconel 625合金的ln θ-ε曲线均出现拐点特征,对应的-(ln θ)/ε-ε曲线出现最小值,该最小值处对应的应变即为临界应变;临界应变随应变速率的增大和变形温度的降低而增加,并且临界应变和峰值应变之间有一定的关系,即ε-c=0.69ε-p;动态再结晶时临界应变的预测模型可以表示为ε-c=4.41×10-4Z0.142 61 。
      Hot compression tests of Inconel 625 alloy were conducted at deformation temperature range of 1000~1200 ℃ and strain rates of 1~80 s-1 to obtain true stress-true strain curves. The critical conditions of dynamic recrystallization for Inconel 625 alloy were studied by using the work hardening rate θ, combined with the inflection point criterion of ln θ-ε curves and the minimum value of -(ln θ)/ε-ε curves. The results indicate that the ln θ-ε curve of Inconel 625 alloy presents the inflection point, and a minimum value of -(ln θ)/ε-ε curve appears, which means the critical strain ε-c. The critical strain increases with the strain rate increasing and the temperature decreasing. And there is a relationship between the critical strain ε-c and peak strain ε-p, i.e.ε-c=0.69ε-p. The predicting model of critical strain is described as ε-c=4.41×10-4Z0.142 61 .
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