Horizontal Fracture Reason Analysis on a Product of 50SiMnVB Steel
Received:July 26, 2011  Revised:January 10, 2012
中文关键词: 横向断裂  分析与验证  质量  无损检测
英文关键词: transverse fracture  analysis and verification  quality  nondestructive testing
Author NameAffiliation
JIANG Chun-mao Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
PAN Ling Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
ZHAO Guang-jun Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
LIU You-jiang Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
ZHANG Chang-ling Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
ZHAO Dong-sheng Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
ZHOU Yu-hang Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China 
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      The mechanism of transverse rupture defects of a military product with 50SiMnVB steel in heating process was analyzed and verified, and the cause was found. Nondestructive testing technology was added in subsequent production, which could be effectively used to eliminate the defects, and guarantee the product quality.
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