Punch Improvement for Square Hole of Transmission Shaft
Received:August 16, 2011  Revised:January 10, 2012
中文关键词: 传动轴  冲方  凸模
英文关键词: transmission shaft  punching square hole  punch
Author NameAffiliation
SHEN He-zhong Shandong Hongqi Electromechanical Co., Ltd. Weifang 261031 China 
HU Jian-qiao Shandong Hongqi Electromechanical Co., Ltd. Weifang 261031 China 
NIE Lan-qi Shandong Hongqi Electromechanical Co., Ltd. Weifang 261031 China 
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Download times: 3048
      For the flat end face of the original square punch in the punching technology of transmission shaft's square hole, the cutting force is larger. Therefore the surface roughness of the part does not meet the requirements of the drawing. For the processing of each transmission shaft, it is needed to replace square punch seven times and punch seven times, so that production efficiency is low and labor intensity is high. Through improving the square punch structure, it is only needed to replace square punch four times and punch four times. Parts with high precision and low surface roughness can be produced. The production efficiency is improved and the cost of production is reduced.
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