The Design Improvement of Centrifugal Casting Mould of Wind Machine's Impeller
Received:July 11, 2011  Revised:January 10, 2012
中文关键词: 叶轮  叶片  跳动  初始动不平衡量  动平衡  振动
英文关键词: impeller  blade  beat  initial dynamic imbalance amount  dynamic balance  vibration
Author NameAffiliation
PENG Ming-kai Nation Owned Factory 5019, Chongqing 401331 China 
CHENG Tao Army Delegate Office in Chongqing, Chongqing 401331, China 
YU Jian Nation Owned Factory 5019, Chongqing 401331 China 
XIONG Ying Nation Owned Factory 5019, Chongqing 401331 China 
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      Through the analysis of impeller structure and mould, the centrifugal casting mould of impeller was improved from the mold positioning and lamination method. A locating sleeve and a positioning ring set were added, the original blade diaphragm was reduced so that the blades were evenly distributed. The concentricity of impeller sleeve with the impeller was ensured and the initial dynamic balance amount of the impeller was reduced, which made the vibration amplitude of the fan be reduced.
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