Half Fine Blanking Process in Deep Hole Punching on the Plate
Received:October 17, 2011  Revised:January 10, 2012
中文关键词: 深孔冲裁  半精冲  齿形压板  孔深比
英文关键词: punching in deep hole  half fine blanking  ring gear gag  hole depth ratio
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Li-hong Suzhou SuNiZiWei Software Co., Ltd., Suzhou 215011,China 
HU Wei-li Dengyun Vocational College of Science and Technology, Kunshan 215300, China 
Hits: 4060
Download times: 3486
      The problems and difficulties to manufacture the deep holes on thick plate for electrical components were analysed. Based on the ordinary punching half fine blanking process of deep hole on this kind of component was completed successfully by use of ring gear gag, smaller blanking clearance and precise guidance, etc. The main features of the structure of the mass-production molds were introduced.
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