弯曲速度对弯管壁厚变化的影响 |
Effects of Bending Velocity on the Change of Wall Thickness in Tube Bending |
Received:July 07, 2011 Revised:January 10, 2012 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 管材弯曲 弯曲速度 壁厚变化 起皱 |
英文关键词: tube bending bending velocity wall thickness variation wrinkling |
基金项目: |
Author Name | Affiliation | ZHANG Jing-wen | School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China | E Da-xin | School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China | LI Yan-min | Capital Aerospace Machinery Company, Beijing 100076, China | TIAN Xin | Capital Aerospace Machinery Company, Beijing 100076, China |
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中文摘要: |
采用不同弯曲速度对5A06和1Cr18NiTi管进行了旋转弯曲试验和有限元模拟。分析后指出,弯曲速度对弯曲内侧管壁变形影响较大,弯曲内侧切向应力、应变及管壁增厚率均随弯曲速度增大而增大。同时,内侧管壁增厚对弯曲速度的敏感性具有随原始壁厚的增大而减小的变化趋势。薄壁管在过大弯曲速度下成形时,内侧因材料流动受阻滞易发生失稳起皱。 |
英文摘要: |
ube bending tests for 5A06 and 1Cr18NiTi tubes in different bending velocities under rotary draw bending were performed, combined with finite element analysis. It was revealed that bending velocity exerts great effects on deformation at the intrados of tube wall. Tangential stress-strain and wall thickness thickening rate in the inner side of the bend increase as bending velocity increases. Meanwhile, the sensibility of wall thickness thickening to bending velocity reduces with the accretion of initial wall thickness. Therefore, wrinkling and buckling may occur for material flow limit in the inner side of tube when thinwalled tubes are bent in excessively large bending velocity. |
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