Numerical Simulation of Multiple-step Roll-bending Forming of Large-scale Sheet Metal with U Shape
Received:October 10, 2011  Revised:November 10, 2011
中文关键词: 渐进滚弯  数值模拟  几何规划  拟合
英文关键词: incremental roll-bending  numerical simulation  geometric plan  fitting
Author NameAffiliation
HU Da-chao Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 200235 China 
LI Guo-qing 1.Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 200235 China2.East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237 China 
FU Ze-min Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 200235 China 
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      Numerical simulation of multiple-step incremental roll-bending forming and spring back of large-scale sheet metal with U shape was implemented using ABAQUS. In view of the semi-ellipse shape of workpiece, a geometric plan using five arcs with different radii to approach the original shape piecewise was proposed. On the basis of the programming, reasonable arrangement of the rolling steps was carried out, the parameters in ABAQUS were adjusted. The largest error of curvature radii of different arcs was less than 5% after simulation of the sheet metal forming according to optimized process fitting with origin8. The results show that the incremental roll-bending method forming the semi-ellipse shape workpiece is feasible.
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