Research on the Plastic Forming of AZ21B Magnesium Alloys
Received:October 10, 2011  Revised:November 10, 2011
中文关键词: AZ21B镁合金  塑性成形工艺  加热送料通道  模具
英文关键词: AZ21B magnesium alloy  plastic forming    heating and feeding channel  mould
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Yin Department of Material Science and EngineeringFujian University of Technology Fuzhou 350108, China 
ZHANG Zhi-hai Department of Material Science and EngineeringFujian University of Technology Fuzhou 350108, China 
LV Xin-ying Department of Material Science and EngineeringFujian University of Technology Fuzhou 350108, China 
SHEN Qin-long Department of Material Science and EngineeringFujian University of Technology Fuzhou 350108, China 
LU Sheng-zhang Department of Material Science and EngineeringFujian University of Technology Fuzhou 350108, China 
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      In view of the difficulties of plastic forming at room temperature because of the close-packed hexagonal structure of magnesium,as well as the questions of heating efficiency,production efficiency and so on in the process of plastic forming,research and experimental analysis were made on the material property of magnesium alloys,mold structure,processing conditions and so on to explore the heating forming process(forming the battery shell with AZ21B magnesium alloy),a perfect scheme of plastic process and the mould were achieved. The main innovation of the process lies in the design and application of the heating and feeding channel of the magnesium alloy,ensuring the production efficiency and improving the energy utilization ratio. The process also has high raw material utilization and products have good comprehensive mechanics performance,which opens a new road for forming processing of magnesium alloys.
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