Treatment of Metal Runout of Die-casting Mold for Front Hub
Received:May 05, 2011  Revised:September 10, 2011
中文关键词: 压铸模跑水  滑块卡死  模具处理
英文关键词: metal runout of die-casting mold  sticking of slider  mold treatment
Author NameAffiliation
CUI Ai-jun Luoyang High-tech XinHua Welfare Processing Co., Ltd., Luoyang 471031, China 
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      The sticking of slide and the bending of oblique columns resulted by metal runout of die-casting mold for front hub were taken for cases. By modification of the mold with two times it indicated that for the mold problems which could not be solved by the traditional way, it was necessary to solve related problems by the methods of breaking up the mold piece by piece and confirming all, and looking for the causes of the problem. The problem of metal runout of die-casting mold could be solved fundamentally by taking appropriate measures.
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