某产品用黄铜壳体压底工艺改进实践 |
Pressing Bottom Improvement of the Brass Shell of a Product |
Received:July 26, 2011 Revised:September 10, 2011 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 压底 工艺改进 金属流线 黄铜壳体 |
英文关键词: pressing bottom process improvement metal flow line brass shell |
基金项目: |
Author Name | Affiliation | JIANG Chun-mao | Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China | PAN Ling | Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China | ZHANG Chang-ling | Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China | WANG Lian-yi | Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China | ZHAO Guang-jun | Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China | ZHOU Shi-wei | Heilongjiang Huaan Machine Corporation Ltd., Qiqihar 161046, China |
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中文摘要: |
为解决生产窄口,提高生产效率,减少能源消耗,降低生产成本,将某产品用黄铜壳体压底工序进行工艺改进,通过优化模具设计,合理分配各部分金属变形,保证金属流线的连续性,更换加工设备,实现了该黄铜壳体压底工序由4次改为2次。 |
英文摘要: |
To solve the key problem in production, improve the production efficiency, reduce energy consumption, lower production cost, the pressing bottom process was improved for the brass shell of a product. Through optimizing mold design, reasonable distribution of the metal, pattern of deformation to ensure continuous metal flow, replacing the processing equipment, the times of pressing bottom process for the brass shell was changed from four to two. |
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