FEM Coupled Thermal-mechanical Simulation of Cold Spinning of Stainless Steel Pipe
Received:April 13, 2011  Revised:September 10, 2011
中文关键词: 冷旋压  不锈钢管  热力耦合有限元
英文关键词: cold spinning  stainless steel pipe  coupled thermal-mechanical finite element
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Bin 1.The College of Materials Science and EngineeringTaiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China2.Shanxi Pingyang Industry Machinery Co., Ltd., Houma 043003, China 
QIN Jian-ping The College of Materials Science and EngineeringTaiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China 
WANG Fu-li Shanxi North Huifeng Mechanical Electronical Co., Ltd., Changzhi 046012, China 
LI Hong-bin Shanxi North Huifeng Mechanical Electronical Co., Ltd., Changzhi 046012, China 
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      Focusing on a 316 stainless steel pipe,a 3D elastic plastic FEM coupled thermal-mechanical model on cold spinning is founded to simulate the process of the cold spinning. The temperature boundary conditions of heat transfer and heat forced convection are applied, the variation of spinning force,motion trail,contact states and the variation of temperature distribution on the workpiece are presented. The finite element simulation for stainless steel pipe provides effective basis for analysis of cold spinning of stainless steel pipe and its microstructure then effectively directs the production practice.
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