Analysis in Healing Process of Inner Void of 20MoNiMn Steel for Nuclear Power Plant Equipment
Received:July 19, 2011  Revised:September 10, 2011
中文关键词: 20MoNiMn钢  空洞闭合  空洞裂隙焊合  动态再结晶
英文关键词: 20MoNiMn steel  void closing  void split bonding  dynamic recrystallization
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yi-xin School of Material Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 
HUANG Wen-chao School of Material Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400050, China 
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      通过热物理模拟试验获得20MoNiMn钢在不同变形条件下的真实应力-应变曲线,将数据导入到有限元软件DEFORM-3D中数值模拟20MoNiMn钢内部空洞愈合过程。结果表明,空洞闭合是由球形空洞到椭球形空洞,从椭球形空洞的两长轴端开始闭合,并随着压下量的增加逐渐向心〖JP2〗部扩展达到完全闭合。闭合后的空洞裂隙需要在高温下的原子扩散和再结晶才能焊合。当压下量为6.35 mm时,坯料中有85.4%的区域发生了完全动态再结晶,空洞裂隙周围原子充分扩散和再结晶,最终达到闭合后的空洞裂隙焊合。
      The hot deformation behaviors of 20MoNiMn steel at different deformation conditions have been studied by using hot compressing testing on a Gleeble-1500 simulation, the data was imported into DEFORM-3D of FEM software for numerical simulation of inner viod healing process of 20MoNiMn steel. The results showed that the way of void closing was from the spherical to the ellipsoid,then the first closing department was end of the long axis, and gradually extended to the heart and achieved complete closing with the reduction ratio increased. The void split bonding needed atomic diffusion and recrystallization under high temperature. The full dynamic recrystallization occurred at the workpiece area in 85.4% when the reduction data was 6.35mm, full spread of atomic diffusion and recrystallization occurred arround the void split, ultimately viod split bonding finished after void closing.
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