Design of Cold Extrusion Process and Die Design for Tapered Parts with Deep Cavity and Inequal Wall Thickness
Received:December 27, 2010  Revised:July 10, 2011
中文关键词: 反挤压模  锥形挤压件  双级卸料  正挤压模
英文关键词: backward extrusion die  tapered extrusion part  two-step stripping  forward extrusion die
Author NameAffiliation
TIAN Fu-xiang School of Mechanical EngineeringQingdao Technological University Qingdao 266033 China 
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      The tapered parts with deep cavity and inequal wall thickness needed three extrusions. The cold extrusion process and a practical die structure for tapered part with deep cavity was presented. The connection of middle parts of backward extrusion and the forward extruding dies for the finished products was discussed. the punch and die were designed. There was a two-step stripping device which could be elongated and shortened on the die,so that long ejection stroke was achieved.
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