Research and Application of Filter Housing for Aluminum Alloy Die-casting Technology
Received:February 13, 2011  Revised:July 10, 2011
中文关键词: 滤波器  共鸣信号柱  气孔  缩孔  冷隔
英文关键词: filter housing  signal pillar  porosity  shrinkage hole  cold shut
Author NameAffiliation
LI Wei-ming Guangdong Hongte Precision Technology Co., Ltd., China 
LI Si-di Guangdong Hongte Precision Technology Co., Ltd., China 
LUO Jin-qi Guangdong Hongte Precision Technology Co., Ltd., China 
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      Cold shuts, porosity and shrinkage holes would appear easily in a kind of filter housing if it is manufactured by high pressure technology because there are a lot of signal pillars in the deep housing and all the signal pillars in the deep housing aren't connected each other. So lots of micro-small holes appear at the top of those pillars after machining and they would affect their function heavily.It was studied how to solve those problems by die-designing, technology and other repairing technology in post processing. Eventually, those problems were solved perfectly, the defective rate had been decreased to a low number which could be accepted.
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