Research on the Design of the Draft Angle of Cylinder Forging Face
Received:April 30, 2011  Revised:July 10, 2011
中文关键词: 圆柱体  端面  模锻斜度
英文关键词: cylinder  side surface  draft angle
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Tian-xiang North China Institute of Science and Technology, Sanhe 065201, China 
Hits: 4517
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      This paper primarily introduced two common methods to design the draft angle of cylinder forging face and their detailed mechanical drafting steps. Through the accurate drawing of the draft angle of cylinder forging face, the basic practice of drawing intersection line was obtained when plane surface, curved surface and cylindrical surface mutually intersected in mechanical drafting,and the Pro/E was used to draw the 3D-modeling projections of the plane draft angle and sphere draft angle of the cylinder forging.
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