基于正交试验的S形板料折弯工艺研究 |
Discussion on the S-shaped Sheet Bending Process Based on Orthogonal Experiment |
Received:January 04, 2011 Revised:July 10, 2011 |
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中文关键词: S形板料 有限元模拟 等效应力等效应变 正交试验 |
英文关键词: S-shaped sheet finite element simulation stress and strain orthogonal experiment |
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中文摘要: |
针对典型的S形板料折弯工艺进行了分析。应用DYNAFORM有限元模拟软件,分析了S形板料折弯后的内外层等效应力、等效应变分布及回弹前后的应力应变变化,对其折弯过程中的回弹机理进行了研究。通过正交试验的直观及方差分析确定了影响板料回弹若干关键因素的主次顺序,节省了现场试验的成本,对S形折弯件的精密化生产有一定的指导意义。 |
英文摘要: |
The bending process of typical S-shaped sheet was analysed. By using DYNAFORM finite element simulation software,the stress and strain distribution from both inside and outside layer of sheet and stress and strain changes before and after springback were analysed. The springback mechanics was explained. Important sequence of some key factors was determined by direct and variance analysis of orthogonal experiment, which saved the cost of field trials and had significance on the production of precision for S-shaped bending parts. |
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