Application of Precision Engraving Technique in the Processing of Mould with Complex Curved Surface
Received:December 08, 2010  Revised:May 10, 2011
中文关键词: 精密雕刻技术  复杂曲面  模具加工
英文关键词: precision engraving technique  complex curved surface  mould processing
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Xin Zhejiang Industry Vocational College, Shaoxing 312001 China 
YU Rong-biao Zhejiang Industry Vocational College, Shaoxing 312001 China 
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      The advantages of the precision engraving technique in processing of mould with complex curved surface are studied. The small tools of precision engraving machine can be used to realize the small size processing which is unachievable for CNC and NC milling machine. The method using precision engraving machine to manufacture mould with complex curved surface with small features is proposed, so the speed of mould processing is accelerated, the cost of new product development is decreased, the rapid manufacturing is realized and the traditional design method using only CNC and milling machine is improved. Finally, this method has been applied to the processing of a plastic mould as an example and the application method is expounded.
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