Design of Compound Die for the High-grade Food Container
Received:January 05, 2011  Revised:May 10, 2011
中文关键词: 餐盒  卷边  模具结构  气压装置
英文关键词: food container  curling  die structure  pneumatic device
Author NameAffiliation
JIN Hui-zhou Qingdao Technological University Qingdao 266033 China 
TIAN Fu-xiang Qingdao Technological University Qingdao 266033 China 
Hits: 3926
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      By analyzing a food container part, its punching forming techniques were ascertained. A high precision compound die was designed. Some problems of a part's thin stuff such as easily wrinkling etc were solved. The structural design and work process of the die were discussed. The pneumatic device was used to provide the mold blank holder force to improve the formability of the blank, and the new curling technique was designed , which increased rate of finished products, and the parts were punched successfully.
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