撑板锁紧两半凹模闭式挤压模具设计 |
Design of Closed Extrusion Die with Halving Concave Die Locked by Support-boards |
Received:December 27, 2010 Revised:May 10, 2011 |
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中文关键词: 闭式挤压 两半凹模 T形锻件 无飞边模锻 |
英文关键词: closed extrusion halving concave die T shape forgings die forging without any flash |
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中文摘要: |
T形锻件因形状所致,采用传统的整体凹模结构不能实现无飞边模锻。给出了不考虑摩擦的情况下T形锻件闭式挤压模具结构和依靠4个铰支撑板锁紧的纵向对合凹模结构的受力分析。锻件在两半凹模和冲头形成的封闭模腔中挤压成形,生产的锻件无飞边。 |
英文摘要: |
The conventional structure of a solid concave die was not applicable for die forging of forgings without any flash,because of the T shape of forgings. A structure of closed extrusion die for T shape forgings and the analysis of forces were presented. The vertical halving concave die was locked by four gemel support-boards. The forging within a closed cavity was formed by a punch and two concave dies. The forgings without flash can be produced with the new type of forging die. |
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